General Meeting

The second General Meeting this year took place on 6 December 2019. In addition to the Centre’s latest events and plans for next year, a presentation was heard from Beneš a Lát and CARDAM.

Council Meeting

The Council of the NCC for MATCA met on 3 December. The members of the Council were informed about the Centre’s operation, about it meeting its strategic objectives, and its implementation of sub-projects.

A visit by the president of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA ČR)

The president of the TA ČR Professor Petr Konvalinka visited the meeting of the NCC for MATCA’s Council. He was informed about the Centre’s operation, and expressed his full satisfaction with the situation.

Council Meeting

At its meeting on 5 September 2019, the NCC for MATCA introduced its new strategy focused on future plans and opportunities.

General Meeting

The General Meeting held on 5 June 2019 was commenced by summarizing the NCC for MATCA operation to date and by admitting two new members into the consortium.

Council Meeting

The Council met on 29 May 2019. During the meeting, it discussed and approved the sub-project No. 5. Two new consortium members (previously approved by the General Meeting) were introduced to the Council.

Council Meeting

At its meeting held on 12 March 2019, the Council discussed and approved sub-projects 3 and 4 NCC for MATCA. Council reporters for both projects gave presentations on their projects, evaluating and submitting the projects’ final reports to the Council.

Piezo Conference 2019

The Piezo Conference 2019 took place in Špindlerův Mlýn against the backdrop of the beautiful nature in the Krkonoše Mountains.

Council Meeting

At its meeting on 11 December 2018, the Council approved the first two NCC for MATCA sub-projects. The meeting was concluded with a discussion on the Centre’s future projects and plans.

General Meeting

The very first General Meeting of the NCC for MATCA took place on 16 November 2018. The members of the consortium introduced to each other and made themselves familiar with the Centre’s functioning and future plans.